Il computer non è una macchina intelligente che aiuta le persone
stupide, anzi è una macchina stupida che funziona solo nelle mani
delle persone intelligenti.
— Umberto Eco

Masterclass on Big Data, Spark and Databricks

Mondo Padano
Magazine Interview

DevOpsHeroes Parma 2023
DevOps & Data: a versioning love story

Azure Italia Podcast
Puntata 20 - Microsoft Fabric con Giulio Melloni

Dev Yourself
[6] - Certificazioni In Ambito Informatico con Giulio Melloni
Achievements earned
Projects & Thesis

Indovina Chi
Board Game software version with iconic Football players

Bachelor Thesis
Board Game "Il Consiglio dei Quattro" software version

Power Enjoy
Formal design of a software for machine rental

MSc Thesis
Searching for central nodes in polynomial time using Cooperative Game Theory

FreeCodeCamp Certifications
FreeCodeCamp certifications projects
A simple part of me
A little description of me
"Il computer non è una macchina intelligente che aiuta le persone stupide, anzi è una macchina stupida che funziona solo nelle mani delle persone intelligenti." This quote by Umberto Eco has always led me to think that computer science should spread throughout our country so to be defined as useful rather than difficult. This is precisely the dream that I, Giulio Melloni, want to pursue. Since I was a child, computers have always amazed me for the amount of things they could do and for their speed. Stupid and ignorant, astonished and intrigued, at the age of 6 I started to take my first steps on a computer with little more than 128MB of Ram and a hard disk not comparable to the one placed on a modern smartphone. Gradually, as I grew up, I got deeper and deeper into the subject, and even studied it in the field of engineering. I would therefore like, with the eyes still of a boy of '94, to see a computer in every home, but to have a person who does not feel unable to use it. My duty is therefore to design and make the best use of the resources we have today, and to try to pass on my passion in the creation of software.
The easiest ways to find me